Giddy Up/Glory Days

Explore the Great Outdoors with Your Guy or Gal: 30-Minute Couples' Trail Ride, Wine & Chocolate  Oh how I miss those happy days.   Sis says it all started when I was 2 years old and someone came by the “house” (actually The Old Baptist Church building where we lived) with a pony and Mom & Dad sat me on it for a photo.  I don’t remember that, but it does make sense because I love horses and had always said that I would own one some day.

In the late 1950’s there was a horse farm in Cahokia, IL and Dad & I used to go there on his days off.  How I loved to walk through the barn and just smell the horses.  I got to know many of them by name and they were always happy to see me.  (Of course my pockets being crammed with carrots had nothing to do with it.)  I always wanted to own a horse and can remember asking if there were any for sale.  How elated I was when told one cost $50.00, and how dejected I felt when Dad said, “How are you going to get the $50.00 and pay for the boarding?”

Of course at that time I didn’t know my childhood friend Barb (The Gad About) Gambill and her family.  They lived right next to the horse farm, but we didn’t meet until the 1960’s when her twin sister and I were in the same 4th grade class, and by then the farm had been sold and replaced by a shopping center.

After that Dad used to take me horseback riding at Grand Marias Park in E. St. Louis, IL. We would go once a month on a Tues because I was going to school in the afternoon and he had Tues off.  He would pay for an hour ride, and sometimes we were lucky enough to go out without a guide; so we got to do some cantering and trotting.  Then the day came when that too ended because the state park got rid of the horses.  That was a sad day for me because there were no longer any places close by to go riding.  We still continued to ride when on vacation, but didn’t always go somewhere that had horses.  No I never bought a horse, but still love to be close to them.  Anybody know of a rodeo close by?

About sandrabranum

I'm a philosopher, dreamer, poet, writer -- not necessarily in that order -- and I get to write it all down and share it with the world thanks to the Wonderful World Wide Web!
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7 Responses to Giddy Up/Glory Days

  1. I’m like you. I just love horses and love being close to them. Such a pity there isn’t anywhere close by for you to go riding. Why did they stop horses being in the park?

    • sandrabranum says:

      I had thought insurance costs were the reason why the horses were removed, but no one ever said. As I reflect on it now it also could have been due to the Civil Rights Movement because the park was in E. St. Louis, IL.

  2. JL Stratton says:

    Our family owned a horse when I was young. His name was King, and we loved to ride him around our little farm. Thing is, he was rather averse to being rode and would try to brush us off at any chance. It didn’t take long for the horse to wear out his welcome when we realized the amount of resources that went into caring and feeding the horse compared to our goats. Besides that, the goats kept our steeply inclined land clear, only required a few oats once in awhile as a treat … and we could milk them and even eat them. Sadly, my experience with horses was not so pleasant as yours. Oh, and by the way, when we were first purchasing King, I got could in the stall at feeding time and was trampled by a horse on its way to the feeding trough. Needless to say, my relationship with horses was soured from the very beginning. They surely are a majestic creature though, but not as tasty as goat, or a McDonald’s Kangaroo burger. Remember those?

    • JL Stratton says:

      Oops. I meant to say “caught” in a stall.

    • sandrabranum says:

      I can’t remember a McDonald’s Kangaroo burger, but still love the Big Macs. I never really had any trouble with horses; even when they stepped on my foot or tried to crowd me I’d just push on them and they’d step away. Of course my experience could have easily been tainted IF I’d spent more time cleaning up after them. 😉

  3. Barbara Gambill says:

    OK taking a trip down memory lane here. Remember the time when you , me , Lee , and Gene went to the horse place just outside Belleville. You and Gene rented horses and went for a ride in the park. Lee and I stayed behind at the stable. (I think I was pregnant at the time or sick ) anyway You guys were gone for a while and when you came back we saw you coming and took a picture of you on horse back. You and Gene were yelling ” Look Barb we are cowboys” The guy told you to dismount as the ride was over. Then we went over to that one stall that had that Huge horse in it. His back was even with the side of the stall. We got his picture too. I still have those pictures at the old house. Wow those were the days when we were young and free.

    Barb Gambill>>> The Gad about here in good ole Missouri.

    • sandrabranum says:

      And do you remember when you & Lee went roller skating and I sat and watched? My how time flies. Wish Dad would have let me visit you in Cheyenne, WY w-a-y back when. Luv & miss you. 🙂

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